WPP Stream Yearbook Flipbook

WPP: Stream Yearbooks | 134 pages

WPP Stream Yearbook Flipbook - Page 1

6-9 January .......... The WPP Terrace, CES 2020, Las Vegas 6-7 February ......... Stream India, Jaipur, India 24-26 February...... WPP Commerce USA, Miami, USA 15-17 April ............ Stream Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 22-26 June ........... WPP Beach, Cannes, France 23 June ................ Stream Cannes, Cannes, France 25 September ....... Stream Kenya, Nairobi 21-24 October ....... Stream Europe, Athens, Greece 25-27 November ...Stream South Africa, Cape Town, SA Q4 ....................... Stream USA, Ojai, USA

WPP Stream Yearbook Flipbook - Page 2

CONTENTS (SORT OF) Stream USA.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 02 Stream Brazil .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 Stream Kenya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 Stream South Africa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 Stream Jaipur.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54 Stream Indonesia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 66 Stream Island, Cannes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70 Stream Europe . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 82 WPP Commerce .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 100 Stream SXSW .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 106 WPP Beach .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..110 The Team.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 130 Media & Tech Events.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 132 Our Partners ..............................................133 1

WPP STREAM – WHAT’S ALL THE FUSS ABOUT? Alice ter Haar. Senior Manager-EU Marketing, Deliveroo. I confess that I hadn’t heard of WPP’s Stream before As we board the coach, I’m starting to feel that school trip- I was invited. I guess it’s kind of like one of those style excitement, butterflies in my stomach accompanying "under the radar," cool-in-town spots that you haven’t a mixture of trepidation and excitement. Because been introduced to yet. The bill sounded intriguing; essentially, you’re with a bunch of strangers. If you’re an "(un)conference for (un)conventional thinkers". lucky, you might know a couple of people through your That could’ve been marketing buzzword speak — but it professional network, dahling. But this scenario has the turns out that it was anything but… potential to be an introvert’s worst nightmare and even So, what’s it all about? Well, firstly, the "un"conference make the extroverts blush — three days non-stop with 360 bit is about right — it’s about as far a cry from a regular people you’ve never met before. It’s basically a weekend of conference as you can imagine. In fact, I’d liken it more networking (bleurgh). to a festival. I can say that choosing between the daily Except it couldn’t be farther away from that. Yes, there discussion forums was more reminiscent of the agonising might be an awkward moment when you’re not talking to choice between Glastonbury stages. And the evening’s anyone in the lunch queue, or something that smelt a tiny entertainment and light-night finishes were certainly more little bit like a pitch from someone. But overall, I found akin to the same good time highs than any conference I’d those moments to be extremely few and far between. ever been to before. WPP invites a wide range of people from across the Now in its twelfth year, WPP’s Stream Europe is held media, marketing and communication spectrum, bringing in October in Marathon, Greece. 80% of attendees are together a plethora of movers-and-shakers from each new… although there’s a strong "old-timer" contingent corner of the industry; entrepreneurs, activists, agency of seasoned pro party faithful. As we walked through heads and us client-side folk. Everyone has something to passport control, we newbies are like doe-eyed Bambis, say — I can’t recall a single tedious conversation during with whispers to be heard "that the bedrooms aren’t the the weekend. And, boy, you soon get to know people… fanciest" and "WiFi is disabled to discourage people from by the end of it you are best buds (of course!). working". This does turn out to be true. And so much for the better. 2

It also differs from other conferences because all of the weekend lining our stomachs with a midnight feast of happenings involve the attendees themselves — it’s not treats cooked by fellow Streamers before getting our party "death by PowerPoint". There are the discussion groups on until the wee hours. where anyone is encouraged to run a session on whatever So, as you can probably tell, I’m a fan. What made it so inspires them — and attendees choose to go to the ones special? Sure, it was nice to be in the autumn sunshine they want to. These ranged from "how to create social masticating on love, life and the universe. But it is the change in an hour" to "what would happen if the world fascinating people with intriguing stories whom you are in was a little less straight?". The intimate workshops saw the sunshine with that make it magic. us debating topics, sharing wisdom and divulging some deeply personal stories. It’s lucky "Chatham House rules" And it’s how Stream manages to get everyone to applied. leave their egos at the door, be open, embrace their On the first night were the Ignite talks, at which I was fortunate enough to have been given a slot to introduce best selves and not take themselves too seriously myself. Here, in Pecha Kucha style, speakers have 15 that is its ultimate win. slides that automatically forward every 15 seconds, creating compelling and dynamic narratives about Somehow, despite being a well-oiled and professionally fascinating topics from the speakers’ lives. The slides keep run event, it manages to feel like the least corporate, most rolling, no matter what… even if one were to practically fall off-guard environment, which allows its attendees to truly off the stage ;). And then there is the Saturday night talent let go and connect with each other and the world around show where we laughed until we cried. Each evening, as them. the sun went down, we were illuminated by "Luminaries" All I can say is that whatever the magic formula, Stream’s talks that warmed the cockles. We got the skinny on got it just about perfect. I couldn’t have hoped for a more the summer’s biggest phenomenon, "Love Island", saw wonder-filled few days. And now I’ve just got to cross my Wallace & Gromit’s take on puppetry and gazed in wonder fingers that my emerging "old-timer" invite’s in the post as a real life "Iron Man" suit flew over the swimming pool. for next year. Not to mention an "up close and personal" Q&A with WPP’s CEO, Mark Read. And in case we hadn’t feasted enough on all this enlightening fodder, we finished the 3

Lisa Gilbert, CMO IBM Japan in conversation with Sammy Payne Co-Founder, Open Bionics 4

Lolo Spenser, Model & Christina Mallon Inclusive Design Lead at Wunderman Thompson Steve Stoute, Founder & CEO, Translation 5

Discussion Group at Stream Ojai, 2019 6


Kai D. Wright- Partner, Ogilvy- "Each year, for the past three years, in the sunny Like the immersive theatre experience of Sleep No valley of Ojai, 40-miles north of Los Angeles, global More, no two attendees have the same experience, marketing leader WPP invites 300 thought-leaders, which encourages constant sharing between guests activists, and cultural taste-makers to a gathering of their highlights. The formula for a memorable where everyone is an influencer. It’s not about one’s and impact-driven experience: three equal parts title – everyone is VIP from the agency CEOs to the of entertainment, participation, and education. We brand CMOs to the VCs to the professors in the room. had deep, casual conversations about a spectrum Except the room isn’t a room, it’s an extravagantly of naturally flowing topics from race relations in organized series of outdoor discussions, activities, America to business lessons from race car driving. and lightning talks in tents with the backdrop We watched inspiring lightning talks from how of the sun, moon, and stars. The "stream" Microsoft makes humans better off to the physics of becomes a metaphor for the melding of ideas into fly-fishing. And we participated in over 50 audience- impact, knowledge into action, and activities into led discussions on the fanaticism of Fortnite to fake relationships. No attendee is more important than followers to fake news. the other, and each a necessary puzzle piece in What’s overheard at Stream creates ripples of delivering a glimpse into the future. inspiration and collaboration among attendees, manifest through future creative work, new products, and the creation of new business models and services." 8


TODAY IT RAINED... ... "You know what it's like to be outside in the rain in Ojai, under a teepee? It's like being at summer camp. There's a feeling in the air, like your life could change, like you're living in the moment, like nothing else matters. You're pissed when your phone rings, when you get e-mail, you want to disconnect as opposed to being plugged in. And the truth is everybody's friendly and most have no idea who I am and there are five discussion slots a day, you go to whichever groups you want, they're organized by attendees, kinda like electives at the aforementioned summer camp. And you encounter certain people a number of times and create bonds. And your consciousness is heightened and your social network is increased with flesh and blood friends and the busier you are, and I haven't had a free moment all day, the more you engage, you realize technology is just a tool, that it's really just about us" Bob Lefsetz, The Lefsetz Letters- 10


Wayne Coyne, Frontman, The Flaming Lips in conversation with Nathan Martin, CEO, DeepLocal 12

" I wanted to pass along a message of thanks and deep kudos to Mark and his team for one of the most (if not most) impressive conferences I’ve attended. The quality of discourse was exceptional. Rare to experience a conference of business leaders across industry without a heavy transactional bent or awkward networking. The conversation I shared in was provocative, diverse in its perspective and respectful. And the luminary panels hyper relevant for the times" Adar Zango, ICONIQ Capital- "An exhilarating burst of creativity" Cal Austin, Pfizer. " Honestly, it was the most enjoyable, most inspirational and most engaging conference I've ever been too. I don't really even know how to describe it to people. I basically have said it's like attending a company internal conference where you're all part of the same company....no egos, everyone just wants to help and learn from each other...yet it wasn't a company conference and didn't feel commercially forced. I came away inspired, energised and genuinely feeling like I made new friendships. It truly lived up to the unconference label" Neil Waller, Waller . " I absolutely loved it. I think STREAM is one of the differentiators for WPP" Christopher Curtin, Visa. " I had such a wonderful time. The speakers and the delegates I had the opportunity to connect with have enriched my knowledge and vastly enhanced my professional network in North America" James Davies, HSBC. "Truly a unique experience. I think ‘inspiring’ is the best word to describe it. I’d love to participate again in the future" Andy Yeatman, Moonbug. 13

Discussion Groups at Stream Ojai, 2019 14


"Stream overdelivered this year, as usual" Louis Paskalis, Bank of America. "Creative, unrestricted, friendly, inspiring and challenging" Dana Vogel, Novartis. "Knowledge camp for grown ups" Peter Naylor, Hulu. " BY FAR the BEST and most AWESOME and INSPIRING conference I have ever been to. You got everything just right, so 10 out of 5!" Michael von Stern, Rakuten. " You know it is a good "unconference" when you are home and still feeling inspired by the people you met and the conversations you were part of – thank you so much for a wonderful Stream! Ella – you and your team continue to impress and make it all look easy, which I know is very far from the truth – super impressive! Kudos with much admiration and appreciation" Nadine Karp, L’Oreal. " Stream is unique, very inspiring and a phenomenal opportunity to engage. Each time, amazingly, you set the bar higher. Thanks for making us all feel so much part of the club" James Rosenthal, Google. " Stream has a great soul and a content substance that is hard to find! It is insightful, inspiring, authentic, and a perfect place to meet new people and connect with the "WPP world" Miha Mikek, Celtra. 16


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          Justin Osofsky, COO, Instagram in conversation with Lindsay Pattison, Chief Client Officer, WPP 18

          IDEAS FROM STREAM USA If Corporations Are People, Should They Get to Vote Too? Is Advertising Just a Tax on Bad Products? Media Content is not free. Who’s paying? eSports The Fortnite Phenomenon. Why your kids are obsessed and you should be too. Cashless Society How do corporations create and change their identity? Designing and deploying new media to improve mental health at unprecedented levels and at a global scale Build Buy or Partner? How critically evaluating technology vendors will impact us today and in the future What is the meaning of addiction? (A behavior pattern, not a substance) AI Bias is an increasing threat to society & business – how do humans fix it? Is it humane to make humans do the work of machines? The Ethics of Convenience 19

          Mark Read, CEO, WPP; Edward Norton, Actor and Founder, EDO; Kevin Krim, CEO, EDO 20

          Yossi Vardi, Co-Founder, Stream; Cillian Kieran, Founder, Ethyca; Adam Singolda, Founder and CEO of Taboola & Jon Steinberg, Founder, Chedder 21


          2007 was the year that our industry changed forever. Events that didn’t seem connected then have converged today. Apple launched the iPhone. Google bought DoubleClick for $3bn. Microsoft bought aQuantive for $6.7bn. WPP bought 24/7 Real Media, the advertising technology company, for $649m – a significant acquisition for us. And we launched Stream. The initial concept of an "unconference" touched down in a two-Trident Club Med outside Athens. Strangely, I don’t remember being nervous about it, despite inviting 200 people, including many of our clients, to an event with absolutely no agenda and where I had no idea what would happen. Peter Cowie dressed up as a circus lion-tamer for the Extravaganza. Marissa Meyer was chased around her room by a moth the size of a small bird. A famous music industry executive flew in on his private jet, took one look at his hotel room, and left. We also spent two days discussing and debating the future of our industry, with no hierarchy and no PowerPoint; launching new businesses and forming friendships. Stream is now rolled out around the world, with events in Greece, South Africa, Brazil, India, Singapore and the US. In many ways, Stream is a model for WPP – an inclusive, inspiring and collaborative event – where the best people come together to build the future. Mark Read. CEO, WPP. 23

          Debora Nitta leads the Agency Team at Facebook Brazil 24

          WPP STREAM BRAZIL AND THE BAHIAN MOJO When foreigners think about Brazil, the first idea that comes to their minds is Rio de Janeiro or Amazônia. Probably Carnival, Gisele Bünchen, Brazilian soccer teams or even players. Caipirinha, for sure. Maybe, for some, Bossa Nova, Samba and all the music. But in my perspective (I am a Brazilian from heart, body and soul), there is nothing better to represent Brazil than Bahia. Bahia, the biggest state in the northeast area in the country, with around 15 million people living there today. More than thirty beaches surround Salvador, its capital. Much more churches are there since 1530: three hundred, seventy-two, to be precise. A place where the huge majority of people are black (more than 55% of the population) and where the slaves’ work and contribution from centuries ago are present in the streets, food and culture until nowadays. In Bahia, diversity and miscegenation are the rule, the state of mind, the reasons why for its authenticity and differentiation. Religions are raised together and express people’s myths, beliefs and desires. Food is outstanding, made with love, care and a lot of strange ingredients that come from people’s history and also faith. Music pulses inside everybody’s veins and dancing is a powerful way to express the love for life (and a lot of hope, as well). In this magic place, there are magic people: the Bahians. Blessed with beauty, openness, generosity, dancing soul and heart, music as their main language. It is easy to identify a Bahian: always with a huge and friendly smile, calling you by a nickname he will invent at the moment, inviting you to come, dance and be yourself. WPP Stream Latam second edition happened last June immersed into this unique universe. There couldn’t exist a better mix: an event that stands for innovation, diversity, "all people together" happening in a place known for its "mojo". Being one of the sponsors, we brought to the stage seven strong stories from seven different Brazilian women — one of them, Bahian. Their stories were transformational ones. From creating new businesses with social impact to helping disable people and their families. One of the stories, with a brand perspective — Helmann’s — on a key problem humanity faces today: food waste. It was a powerful way to touch hearts and souls, being inspired by ‘real makers’. This was my first WPP Stream. And I must confess I was really surprised by the "unconference" format.. Maybe my corporative badge didn’t let me feel, from the first beginning, that when in Bahia, everything must. go differently. And it is a bless!. Fingers crossed for the next one, Paula Puppi ;) In Bahia, with Bahians. For sure. 25

          Discussion Group at Stream Brazil, 2019 26



          "Excellent". Riccardo Glaz, Reward "Amazing audience, topics and atmosphere". Vivien Barna, SAP "Inspiration for the soul". Osvalso Olureith, Open CV "An excellent use of time". Danielle Bibas, Avon "An inspiring interesting dynamic". Francesco Ciba, Coca-Cola "One of the most amazing events I’ve ever attended. Innovative.. Collaborative. Participative". Marco Bebiano, Google "Wonderfully enriching". Ana Moises, LinkedIn 29






          IDEAS FROM STREAM BRAZIL • Catching up on ketchup - Is social listening a source for brand insights? • 2036: The Story that will be told • DONT BE A MACHINE. HIRE ONE • $$$ DATA MINES $$$: If Data is the new Oil, where should we place our drills? • Music for Brazilian Animated Feature Films • Media regulation - AI, Transparency and Privacy • Corporate Innovation: how to separate theatre from real impact? • Design for X = design for everything or design for excellence • GDPR Compliance in Personal Data and the Ad Industry • All companies are tech companies, or at least they should be • What is eSports? Is it a Sport? Should I care? • Stateless nation I A twelve million people cause • Man x Tech? What do we need in marketing today? • Advertising pitches - The new frontier of disruption • From #GirlBoss to #LikeaBoss • Martech landscape in latam - How can we do different than US? • Finding phone life balance 35

          Participants at Stream Kenya, 2019 36






          IDEAS FROM STREAM SOUTH AFRICA • Can we use sustainable small business development to solve the water crisis in South Africa? • The Green Generation: Do Millennials worry more, but do less? • Can I Tweet in private? • As leaders in the marketing and advertising industry, do we believe we are doing our part in sorting out some of the country’s problems? • Making SA safe for our visitors • Are you afraid to have a conversation about big data? • Take me to your Leader! Who the #$@& is really in charge? • Serious Games.... are agencies/clients taking them seriously? • The 6000 hour learning gap-why expanded learning matters • Identity management and Digital Resilience in a connected world • AI Reshaping Business Strategies • Restructuring the way we educate our ADD creative brains 42



          Dinner at Stream South Africa 2018 45


          "Stream is the new benchmark". Nicholas Duminy, SABMiller "Mindblowing. Stream disrupted many of my entrenched beliefs". Lida Sinclair, Discovery "Mind blowing interactive, knowledge exchange". Gordon Henry, ABInBev "It exceeded my (very high) expectations. Without a doubt the. best (un)conference I’ve ever had the privilege of attending". Lizl van Zyl, BMW "The event just gets stronger and stronger and this year was. no different. It is amazing what can be achieved by a small. team of dedicated and passionate people". Will Green, Apurimac Africa "The most extraordinary event I have ever attended.. Unconference is the future. Informative and extremely engaging". Angel Myeni Katusya, Simba Corp "Meeting great minds in a context like this is incredibly.. satisfying. The format is amazing". Benjamin Schoderer, Yum (KFC) 47




          "Stretches the mind; feeds the soul". Joanne Bate, ABSA "Connecting with new people and peeps in the Agency world. is important for Corporates & Agencies to understand each. others' worlds and have a space for dialogue". Josephine Baliah-Coelho, Nedbank "Where have I been all along?? It was awesome.. Words can’t rate how great it was". Nyiko Moyana, Old Mutual "An inspiring meeting of minds". Jacqui Greeff, Suntory "The exposure to such brilliant, diverse people is incredible!. What an opportunity! I’m excited about the industry again.. I’m thinking about different aspects of tech and inspired". Nicole Gundelfinger, Multichoice Africa "Best conference ever!". Philip Wahome, Multichoice Kenya 51


          My personal story from Stream starts back in December 2016, How a Conference after being inspired by the people met and conversations had. I made a promise to myself and to my fellow Streamers. helped me be a better I promised that I would show a video from a new business that I would create at Stream 2017. A very loft and vague Human. promise, but it is amazing what happens when you put these dreams out into the Universe. Six months later I encountered By Will Green, Apurimac Africa a problem that I could solve, I started a business around it. Just to clarify, I am not a bot or a Russian fake news agent and Three months later we had piloted it with one of South Africa’s I legitimately stand by the above statement with no intention leading and innovative life insurer. Another three months later of baiting your click. I promise to give you least one idea that we had shot and edited a film outlining the story. Another is a fair value exchange for the 1 minute it will take you to read three months later and we had attracted four more clients. this article. What was more rewarding is that it was in an industry that Any business executive worth her weight in salt will know the. I had never worked in before, and it was directly helping large investment it takes to attend a conference. This includes. my fellow Africans that did not have the means to help the time away from family and the work to catch up after the. themselves. In total we helped 100,000 people and helped conference. The repeated pitches, the late nights entertaining. them benefit by $7.6 million. Our goal now is to expand from and lack of sleep in overpriced hotels and uninspiring. Financial Services into Healthcare. conference venues. The very thought of a conference can lead. In our lives we need to take a deep breathe and stand back. to an increase in personal anxiety.. Draw the proverbial line in the stand and plough your energy I had the privilege to attend one of the most liberating into making your dreams a reality. Being away from your daily conferences in the world. An unstructured ‘un-conference’ pressure allows you to decide what dreams you really want to which is slowly becoming the rage and new normal for turn into a reality. corporate conferences around the world. Having attended all four of the expertly organized WPP-curated Stream The takeout from this year's Stream Africa conference was it Africa conference held at the beautiful Spier Wine Estate in was inspiring to see how many people were reflective on how Stellenbosch, South Africa. to intersect their strengths with their purposes that were not What was so special about this ‘formula’ is the freedom. challenged within a ‘marketing or communication or brand’ The freedom to meet new and interesting people from across frame. Since I believe it is our duty as educated professionals Africa and the World. The freedom to discuss and share new to build a future for the next generation of business leaders. and crazy ideas like "How public blockchains will impact Africa is such a young and vibrant continent with such marketing in Africa or How you can network your brain." amazing diversity. These diversities clash to provide both The freedom to wear a skirt or shorts and serendipitously unique challenges and opportunities. It is these challenges share a glass wine with a stranger… at brunch. that make me optimistic about her future. Like most tribes the quality of the whole is directly related to A future that I am fully invested in for my family. the quality of the individuals. As the saying goes "If you want to live a billion lives, solve a Stream attracts the continent's best shape-shifters, future- billion person problem." In doing so you might even create a makers and story-tellers. business ‘Rhino’ and not a ‘Unicorn’ that is valued at a billion dollars. Marketing Maverick Seth Godin, says it best when he says that I am committed to collaborating with other likeminded the future of marketing is with empathy to frame it as follows; optimists to convert these problems into opportunities for the "People like us, do things like this". Stream defined this benefit of the next billion Africans. definition perfectly for me. Join me www.linkedin.com/in/willgreen 53


          "Inspiring". Eric Jumbert, Colgate "Great (un)learning experience!". Tejas Apte, Hindustan Unilever "How every event must be". Vikram Ravi, Unmetric "The only business event I make time for". Chopra, CarWale "Stream Asia was like the proverbial Red Pill – . it’s an exciting journey & you need to explore how. deep the rabbit hole goes". Siddharth Banerje, Vodafone 55





          IDEAS FROM STREAM JAIPUR • The opportunity cost of financial illiteracy • How personalization leads to homogeneity. Is engagement really that personal? • Ratings for alcohol in India. The need of the hour! • Can the Thanos Theory help decongest Indian roads? • Scroll. WOW Buy. What will you say if you could talk to 2 billion people (at the same time)? • Is Indian patriarchal system slowing-down the middle-class consumers? • Is Indian SCI-FI ( or rather the lack of it) the unrealised goldmine for brands • eCommerce in India is not as settled and smooth as it looks The evolution of the PR professional: The shifting skillset required of today’s PR pros • Can brand building survive in an era of hyper-informed consumers? • China- India Relations: How will the two most populous countries on earth influence the future of the internet? • Am I too old or simply too stupid to understand crypto and why this is such a big deal? • Why are we having less sex in the 21st Century? • Technology - It is not Disruption, but a Consolidation of Economic Power and there will be a social and political price to pay • Are you ready to pay the psychological price of entrepreneurship? • You have made it. Now what? Life after Success • #DigitalFirstGovernment – For communication, participation and service delivery • Big, Brazen, Fast Customer Acquisition? Possible through Big Data Sets - Do they truly exist?! • How to inspire your millennial team? * Read more online at wppstream.com 60



          "The best conference I ever attended". Alexei Schaller, HappyFresh "Where great minds connect". Roy Simangunsong, Twitter "A great experience". Ace Singh, comScore "incredible". Jason Tedjasukmana, Google 63

          25 creativity hacks Lucy Walker, Academy Award Nominee Filmmaker 64

          1. Find techniques for shifting perspective. Think 13. Be an ideas factory! Produce lots of ideas, like someone else.What would your brother or then just throw out the bad ones. school Principal or Barack Obama do? 14. Be attentive to seemingly mundane things. 2. Think like an object. When Einstein imagined Picasso learned to draw by sketching pigeons’ riding along a light beam he came up with the feet. theory of relativity! 15. Analogise. Try to force a relationship between 3. Think with the muscles and skin and sinews of two dissimilar objects. In the 17th century, your body. Like you would if you were a surgeon William Harvey compared the heart to a pump. or a dancer. 16. Be different. But not so different it’s hard to be 4. Use your senses. Imagine hearing the sound of taken seriously. Edvard Munch’s famous image. 17. Be sloppy. Make a mistake. See what happens. 5. Put some distance between yourself and your work. 18. Who’d have thought light could be both a Imagine solving your problem in 100 years’ time. particle and a wave? Bring new things together, 6. Then try the opposite. Lose yourself in the create paradoxes. thing you’re studying, integrate "I" and "It". 19. Find your favorite place to go and let your mind The fisheye lens was invented by someone who wander. wanted to understand how fish saw the world. 20. Change the medium. What would a picture of 7. Pay attention to what doesn’t make sense. your favorite song look like? The greatest discoveries are often preceded 21. Pursue your bliss. Alexander Fleming noticed by the thought, "That’s strange…". 8. Recognise the importance of good problems. penicillin growing in his petri dish because he If you’re stuck, maybe it’s a different problem had the somewhat unusual hobby of making you need, not a solution to an existing problem. portraits out of bacteria, meaning he could instantly identify new types of mould just by 9. People are literally more creative after performing their appearance. a pulling action than a pushing one. Don’t retreat. 22. Look for patterns. Sir Francis Bacon noticed that Go towards your problem with open arms. Africa and South America were similar shapes. 10. Find ideas in Nature. The inventor of Velcro was 23. Welcome and nurture diversity in your home, inspired by the grasping properties of plant burs. school, workplace and community. 11. Trust your intuition. "The heart has its reasons 24. Resist premature closure. Don’t let a good idea that reason cannot know" (French philosopher stop you having a great idea. and mathematician Blaise Pascal). 25. Be an explorer: go where there’s no light, and 12. Simplify it! The words love, honor, truth, and duty look for the land on the other side of the known. are all representations of very complex ideas. 65


          IDEAS FROM STREAM INDONESIA • Ad Verifications including Viewability is a passe topic now, so what are people talking about in measurements today? • God only needs to look once at your mobile to judge you! • Marketing. O2O, crowd sourced, shared economy • TV is dying! Agree? • What is the impact of digital media investment to your sales? • Why is marketing to kids responsibly important? • Bots. Bots Everywhere • We know all these about performance marketing but we ignore them anyway • Influencer Marketing: From Blogger, to Twitter-celeb, to YouTuber, to Instagrammer, to what-next? • 2019 Presidential Election and Why It Matters to Millennials • Data theft and Privacy Leaks - Are advertisers just as guilty as the platforms and publishers? • Is Blockchain the largest threat to Gig-economy players or their largest opportunity? • How does data continue to impact marketing and advertising? • Will machines create and manage advertising for a brand some day? • When speaking is cooler than touch • OUR INDUSTRY IS DYING! How to fix it? 67



          "Stream was an extraordinary and special event and I don’t say either of those things lightly. From the next generation younger speakers who were so talented and inspiring... to realizing a personal bucket list moment listening to Steven Pinker speak - it was a highlight for me of Cannes generally" -Paula MacKenzie, MD, KFC UK & Ireland- 70


          Ana Ivanovic, Former Professional Tennis Player at the Stream Island 2018 72

          "Provocative, targeted, creative, curated, curious". David Remnick, The New Yorker "Stream deserves the excellent reputation it has". Duncan Painter, Ascential " Thank you and WPP for the invite. [It was] concrete,. actionable, opening my eyes to innovation. It was really. great!! I will surely pencil the US date. I wish it would be. open to more people in my organization. Love. It". Giusy Buonfantino, CMO, Kimberley-Clark "The bomb digity... well done as always!". Christian Juhl, Group M " I’m always amazed how much great connections you make. at the event and how much you get out of the presentation as. well as what reflections you take away...". Sophie Dufouleur, Dyson 73

          What WPP learned from Stream this year David Sable, WPP Stream is different type of gathering created by WPP—full disclosure: my work home—where an eclectic group of leaders and rising stars of all types: art, music, technology, science, communications, movies, and sports (to name but a few) debate and inspire what happens next. The aim is to be as provocative as possible; to break the walls of the echo chamber; to encourage the synapse leaps that lead to eureka moments; to unclog our minds. To free our souls. While the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity roared on the mainland, Stream diverted to the quiet of an island where you entered "the Stream"—no longer was it rushing towards you…you were wading in it…surrounded by it…and together, with your fellow participants, you let yourself be carried to places unknown. Places where you were free to think, question, and ponder, so that when you emerged from the stream, you did so as a more free-thinking person, open to…well to whatever. We talked about the dynamics of the ad business (rather timely), where Facebook is going, how to recruit talent, effective news reporting, customer satisfaction, educating refugees, creativity born from sports, and new media coping with old problems and sensationalist journalism. While you listened and thought, you built and created your own mind links. As discussions developed and debates ensued, topics converged and new ones emerged in eureka flashes that might otherwise have been drowned out by the inundation of info that most conferences posit— conferences where a POV of consensus is too often the goal. Those of us who "stream" try to keep our toes in the water, every day, as a reminder to slow it down, to question, to listen, and most importantly, to understand that none of us have all or even most of the answers. Enlightenment comes with openness to all. Excuse me as I wade back in… 74








          " Another fabulous Stream. Where else do you get a rocket- man, ex-Prime Minister and the commissioner of Love- Island on the same agenda. In all seriousness, it was another- inspirational, educational and productive few days and we- Jacqueline O’Sullivan, Oath appreciate being part of it"- 82



          " Thank you! The best conference experience I’ve had in a very. long time!". Gerhard Louw, Deutsche Telekom " I really can’t thank you enough for a fantastic few days at Stream. I felt an. immense pride to be a part of the business as I witnessed what a spectacle it. can produce. (As a result, Mark’s message on Stream standing for what WPP as. a holding co will aspire to represent really resonated). I couldn’t have wished for. a better start to my new role; from ideas those more experienced were willing. to share, a fantastic group eager to meet and discuss the possibilities, and loads. of inspiration/energy". Alastair Ferrans, Wavemaker "Inspiring". Katja Petry, Dumont Group "Extremely insightful and thought provoking". Andy Parnis, Finsbury "Mind expanding awesome event, you move the needle". Nicholas Rouse, SAP "Inspirational, collaborational, fun, professional and relevant". Lili Ermezei, Mirum 85

          Steven Pinker, Author on the Stream Island 2019 Participants at Stream Kenya 2019 86

          The House Band, Stream USA 2019 87



          "What a fantastic weekend - thank you so much for the invite. and opportunity to attend. Felt very welcome and made the most of such. a well-engineered guest list/schedule – left with loads of ideas, potential. partnerships and connections". Jonny Kanagasooriam, BBC "Awesome, inspiring, fun and thought provoking". Alain Groenendale, Grey "Best ever conference I ever had! Excellent networking". Monika Szkva, Nestle " 1. THANK YOU …. I had high hopes for Stream but these were surpassed. by the last 2 days …. A truly terrific event, fantastic concept, and I leave. having been provoked, disrupted and immersed. 2. WELL DONE … the event felt. flexible but well structured, everything about it was adult to adult (different to. most conferences), and oh how slick you guys are in the delivery. Kudos.. Real kudos. I had a chance to speak to Mark Read and told him the same.. We also have a follow up which is good. 3. RETURN … I don’t know how it. works but I want to come back next year". Paul Szumilewicz, HSBC "Authentic, enlightening, inspiring and fun!". Tim Corden, Here Technologies 90


          " I have been to countless film festivals, conferences, workshops, art fairs and summits- over the years in many countries, and I have to say what you have built and curated is- very special. The vibe, mix of people and general philosophy and environment made- for some real break throughs and light bulb moments for me personally. Would love- to come back if you’ll have me"- Ravi Amaratunga Hitchcock, We are Pi



          IDEAS FROM STREAM EUROPE • Reducing economic complexity • Mental Health at work - are you doing enough for your team? • The in-house agency model: Myth or reality? Discuss! Why the hell do only Men ask me for jobs on LinkedIn? • What role is there for British brands in promoting a positive outlook for Britain? • Unshackled by the blockchain - but what’s in it for us? • Why Is House Building So Rubbish (and what can we do about it)? • Enter the Cult of Extreme Productivity GDPR has done precisely nothing....debate! • Funny stories that actually took place. Option B: The secret benefits of boredom • Mini Masterclass UX Design Do we need more lazy people to drive innovation? What happens in the future when everyone admits that they are a little bit gay? • Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker: How do you value specialisation in today's marketing universe? Could government ever be as easy to use as Uber? • So....why don't I trust you? • REMIXING CULTURE: Hyper-Personalisation vs A Sense of Belonging. Can you have both? • Women + Sports — Are We Not Entertained? • You don't know what's in your video • What's next after the money can't buy experiences era? • Green- and Woke-washing • Demystifying machine learning (by showing code!) to (concretely) understand how it can solve marketing problems How Can We Stop The Client: Agency Relationship From Sucking? • • Is Every CEO now a Politician? • Can we dress with intention, look good and still save the planet? 95





          " A catalyst for disruptive thought leadership"- Francisco Larrieu, P&G "Incredible - I loved the format"- Katie Palliser, Amazon " I wasn’t sure what to expect and I was blown away by the content- and the calibre of people there"- Julie Thibault, Chanel 100



          IDEAS FROM WPP COMMERCE • How Creepy is too Creepy? A Research Study On Living Commerce • The DTC brands are coming! The DTC brands are coming! • BS Free D2C • The Science of WOW: Winning at Walmart • Marketing to The "Green" Target Guest: How Refined Audience Selection & Measurement Changed Our Marketing Approach • Surfing the retail media Riptide • Era of E-Commerce: Tapping Today’s Discovery Platforms for Better Business Results • Developing People and Partnerships for the New Age of Commerce • Beyond Best Practices: Separating leaders from followers on Amazon • You’re measuring it all wrong – Start measuring Outcomes • It’s Alive! Humanizing Your Brand with AI • Influencer ABCs: Actionable Analytics for Brands and Commerce • Are Brands Undervaluing Minority Consumer Spending Power • Four trends every CMO needs to know for retail in 2019 • Accelerating commerce through visual discovery • The New Chinese Revolution: How China Is Reshaping Retail 103

          P articipants at WPP Commer c e, 2019 104

          Discus sion Gr oups on the beach, at WPP Commer c e 105


          Stream SXSW 2019 107



          THE WPP BEACH The WPP Beach at The Cannes Lions F es tiv al of Cr eativity , 2019 110



          I’m a great believer in strong agency brands. I also. believe we need a strong WPP brand to complement. and support them.. That’s why, for the first time, we decided to have a physical presence at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity – in the form of the WPP Beach. The idea was to demonstrate how much we value creativity and creative people, to provide a platform for our agencies and the work they do for our clients, and to present an open, confident, forward-looking WPP to the industry in which we play such a major part. During the week we introduced our Cannes Can: Diversity Collective scholars at an event with Gayle King from CBS. We hosted talks with, among many others, Unilever CEO Alan Jope, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg, Snap founder Evan Spiegel, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman, MediaLink’s Michael Kassan, Kathleen Hall from Microsoft and Fox’s Lachlan Murdoch. We put on a fashion showcase with Tommy Adaptive, and had the Wendy’s twitter account (with a former stand-up comedian and now VMLY&R creative at the keyboard) slap down audience questions in the Palais des Festivals. We launched our single-use plastics initiative, and an unprecedented collaboration with agencies, media companies and platforms – the Global Alliance for Responsible Media – to address the problem of harmful content online. And we unveiled a new partnership – Project Listen – with iHeartMedia to help our clients capture the full value of the booming audio sector. By coming together as one company at Cannes we showed WPP for what it is: a powerhouse of creative talent and multi-discipline expertise. I’m sure this collective strength will drive further success in pitches, following our recent Instagram and L’Oréal wins. Finally – the WPP Beach was home to what Campaign called a "stunning installation" based on the new WPP logo. Colourful, multi-faceted and constantly in motion, the eight foot-high sculpture was also built to withstand winds of up to 100mph. As a metaphor for our company, that’s hard to beat. Mark 113


          " A first class, frictionless experience" Brian Vella, Managing Partner, AKQA. " A a stand-out WPP Cannes presence this year. I thought the Beach was fantastic. So did my clients - who were, I discovered, sometimes there without me as they used it as a base and to very good effect. The talks we attended were great. The catering etc was a welcome refreshment. Nice beach balls too. Thanks for making it so brilliant" Joseph Petyan, WPP. "Your Beach was fantastic and the WPP sculpture on the beach was beyond stunning!" Katherine Eills, Microsoft. 115


          The WPP F riends and F amil y Get-T ogether at The WPP Beach, 2019 117

          " I loved loved loved seeing WPP have such a big bold presence. Brilliant" Kelley Drake, Xaxis. "A great session and a huge relationship builder between our companies" Sean Mullins, Salesforce. "The Beach was magnificent" Jim Prior, Superunion. "T he WPP beach transformed the effectiveness of the week" Richard Glasson, Hogarth. "10/10 for the beach! Everything was brilliant - and it sends a clear, cohesive, 'extraordinary' message to the industry" James Rosenthal, Google. "It was like spending time with family being on the Beach this week. WPP is back!!" Alicia Carey, Microsoft. 118


          St ephan Pr et orius, C T O, WPP at Str eam Afric a, 2019 120




          REBOOT CAMP – A One of my clients, clearly future CEO potential and in a. major corporate organisation, asked her line manager if. STREAM ODYSSEY she could go from my invitation. She described the. agenda, the set-up, the melting pot of 350+ entrepreneurs, Bart Michels, CEO, Kantar Consulting. agency leaders, thought leaders, creative artists and clients. An inspired boss, he let her go and take part in what he. BOOM. described as ‘Crayola Davos.’. Actually that was really very good, and funny. A job in the Within 1 hour of arriving, and about 30mins into the official copywriting department awaits… welcome of Stream it was evident this was something other- High Octane, Low Ego. worldly. I’d seen our impossibly, brilliantly energetic host of Stream inadvertently let off a large confetti cannon she was We were bussed in from Athens airport. Let’s not beat about holding, and not skip a beat. Another singer-turned-host the bush — Stream is set in a very straightforward mass had dropped the C-bomb and very clearly got away with it. catered holiday resort in a place called Marathon. In 490 B.C., And the incredibly engaging and smart A-grade lawyer- the Athenian army defeated the invading Persian army in turned-entrepreneur sitting next to me had just informed Marathon, located roughly 26 miles north of Athens. According me that although we both went to the same university, I had to legend, the Athenians then ordered the messenger graduated before she was born. As a not-so-old, not-so- Pheidippides to run ahead to Athens and announce the victory young 49 year old this felt destabilising in a very good way. to the city. Pheidippides raced back to Athens in the summer It was clear this was now a social powder keg. A place heat. Upon reaching the Athenian agora, he exclaimed "Nike!" chock-full of sparkling precocious talent, uncommon ("Victory!") or "Rejoice! We Conquer" and then collapsed dead thinking and deep business and life experience. A pretty from exhaustion. This was to be an intellectual and social powerful and intellectually combustible combination. Marathon, and I hoped I would not drop dead at the end. This was not going to be a usual corporate gathering. On arrival, two days were carved into about 50 potential It was billed as an ‘unconference.’ I’d heard of Stream. discussion sessions — proposed by the attendees and hosted when it was first born. As a ‘senior leader’ in brand. by one of those present. Topics were freely suggested, consulting in Kantar — currently part of WPP — it was. given time slots — and so in front of my very eyes a two day conference agenda was born. What’s great about this is that exciting and different. I’d nominated many a young,. topics are born of passion and expertise. They are by definition free thinker from my team to go and represent us, and. ‘on trend and current.’ They are also eclectic. From ‘how will themselves, and bring to the event, (and bring back to the. we save the planet from the plastic crisis?’, to workshops on how to build your own app, through to a debate on whether team), ideas and a fresh look at the world. . AI will kill EQ and creativity. Each day topped and tailed with People who went, couldn’t describe what it was like. Health and Wellness activity, and a huge ‘family dinner’ and They came back elated, exhausted, mentally refreshed punctuated with luminary presentations including Mark Read, and slightly physically ruined. the WPP CEO, the makers of Love Island, a prodigy tech- I invited a few clients, and described to them what we would puppeteer, and the ex-Greek Prime Minister. be doing, who would be there, who would be speaking. I played up the brilliant brains and free format, and played down the accommodation. Stream has now clearly got a brand of its own — clients and agencies alike have heard of it and respect it from afar. 124



          Big and Rich. 5. When egos and hierarchies are put aside, magic can So what was MY Stream experience like? I tried to do a little happen. bit of literally everything…I took part in the brilliant Aids - Some of the best thinking and discussion came from testing campaign pitch ideas for Kenya for the Elton John mixing openly experience with borderless ill formed, new Aids Foundation (my team was robbed in final pitches), ideas, entrepreneurialism and corporate rigour. and split my many discussion sessions to mix left and right 6. Corporates and Entrepreneurs really need each other but brain and more management and tech / industry business really don’t trust each other. content and topics. We learnt about 3D body scanning and - My session that I ran with Rachel Eyre, Head of Future the impact on fashion retail, debated the impact of AI on EQ, Brands for Sainsburys was very enlightening. A bit like a and AI on Creativity and the creative industry as a whole. We marriage guidance counselling for innovation growth, it was talked about mental health and the responsibility of us as clear that so much can happen, if both listen, trust and are leaders to keep an eye on it and nurturing it in the workplace totally transparent with each other. Amen. and a truly explosive discussion on gender equality and our Above all, stimulating time and space out of the madness is such responsibility in making it more visible and genuinely better a precious and important commodity. It feels like a real luxury, but for future generations, from now. it is now a necessity. We have no room in our mental diaries for So what did I actually learn? intelligent serendipity. For ideas, for mental health, for sustainable 1. A brilliantly framed question is often the difference between an energy, for relationship building, for problem solving. interesting discussion and a mobilising idea or insight. But Stream is not a Spa. It’s a reboot. And just like we need - Some of the topics were fun, some were really interesting. a reboot personally and professionally, what felt interesting Few were really well framed to start to solve real issues about Stream in this inflection point for WPP with a new in a meaningful way. ‘Will AI kill creativity?’ may not be as CEO, maybe Stream could reboot too — inspired by its new interesting as how do we use AI to power creativity and build leader, the co-founder of Stream itself. the new agency model of the future? Stream is such a powerful brand, experience and idea and 2. Truly diverse minds create better discussions and clearer was way ahead of its time at launch. I wonder if Stream insights. is not just an unconference event or moment in time, it - When a group had truly different opinions and inputs the should be more of a genuine movement. It could be much discussion was richer and ideas more surprising. And within more of how we think, live and work as marketers, creative this, conversations with some Jeopardy — by which I mean thinkers and business leaders and change agents day a vested and experienced side in all sides of the discussion — had better outcomes, IF, and this is a big IF the discussion to day in this new world. How can we make the Stream could be held constructively and in a forward looking way. philosophy how we do business so more people can Some debates got too emotional and others admired the experience it? Hopefully if we do this, we won’t ask the problem. 3. Even in a truly digital world, analogue humanity has an question of what the future agency model is anymore, enduring potency.. because we’d be living it already. - The app was great, but nothing beat the live debate and It’s an inspiring thought, and a very good time to think about it. building of thoughts and ideas in real time with real people. I met some truly provocative, interesting and inspiring people 4. Hanging out and working intensively together builds and reset my own perspective. And had great fun in the process. relationships faster than anything. Long live Stream, long live the Reboot. - Our pitch team bonded in minutes. And took roles and had Let’s make it Main Stream. a lot of fun and fresh ideas. We will stay in touch. 127

          "You take off your magic Stream Lanyard,. and Clark Kent back into the general populace…". Alex Hawksworth, GroupM 128


          FOUNDERS STREAM GLOBAL THE TEAM Get in touch, [email protected] Mark Read Yossi Vardi Ella Kieran CEO, WPP Chairman, Director of Stream International Technologies Global Director of Events STREAM GLOBAL Kemi Green Lizzy Dale Alice Lan Brooke Hovey Director of Operations Commercial Director Team Assistant Stream SXSW Host Chief Growth Officer at BCW Global Gergely Batory Michele Fournier Beth Ann Kaminkow Diana Mayze Stream Technical Project Director of WPP Commerce Host of WPP Commerce Stream CTO Manager Global Director of Events, Global CEO, Geometry Global Geometry 130

          STREAM LOCAL David Smollan Federico de Nardis Haydn Townsend Tamarrah Achari Stream South Africa host Stream South Africa host Stream South Africa host Director of Stream South Africa CEO, Smollan CEO, GroupM Sub-Saharan Africa Group CEO, Wunderman Group Technology Business Partner, Thompson SA GroupM Sub-Saharan Africa Ranjana Singh Vidya Candra CVL Srinivas Apoorva Bapna Stream Indonesia Host Director of Stream Indonesia Stream Jaipur Host Director of Stream Jaipur Chairperson Indonesia Vietnam, Digital Partner at Mindshare Country Manager, India Lead Talent Partner, GroupM WPP South Asia Stefano Zunino Paula Puppi Bharat Thakrar Serah Katusia Stream Brazil Host Director of Stream Brazil Stream Kenya Host Director of Stream Kenya Country Manager, Brazil Head of Digital Transformation, CEO, WPP Scangroup MD Mediacom Kenya WPP Brazil 131

          MEDIA & TECH EVENTS OF NOTE 6-9 Jan - The WPP Terrace, CES 2020 7-11 June - Detroit Motor Show, Detroit 7-10 Jan - CES 2020, Las Vegas 8-12 June - London Tech Week, London 12-14 Jan - NRF 2020, New York 9-11 June - Founders Forum, London 18-20 Jan - DLD, Munich 17-20 June - VidCon, Los Angeles 21-24 Jan - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos, Davos 2020 22-25 June - Collision, Toronto 28-29 Jan - AdExchanger's Industry Preview, New York 22-26 June - Cannes Lions 2020, Cannes 24-27 Feb - MWC, Barcelona, Spain 22-26 June - WPP Beach, Cannes 6-7 Feb - Stream Jaipur, India 23 June - Stream Island, Cannes 24-26 Feb - WPP Commerce USA, Miami 24 June-3 July - Aspen Ideas Festival, Colorado 8-11 Mar - Dubai Lynx, Dubai 25 June - The Europas, London 16-19 Mar - Ad Week Europe, London TBC - June - Sun Valley, Idaho 13-22 Mar - SXSW, Austin, USA TBC - June - Nudgestock 2020 22-25 March - ShopTalk, Las Vegas TBC - July - ColorComm, Miami 29 Mar-2 April - Adobe Summit - USA, Las Vegas TBC - July 2020 - Google Camp, Sicily 5-8 April - Google Cloud Next, San Francisco 25 September – Stream Kenya, Nairobi 20-24 Apr - TED 2020, Vancouver 25-27 Sept - Spikes Asia, Singapore 15-17 Apr - Stream Indonesia, Yogyakarta 21-24 Oct - Stream Europe, Athens 27-30 Apr - ANA Financial Management Conference, Orlando 30 Oct - WIRED Smarter, London 2-6 May - Milken Conference, New York TBC - Oct - WPP Commerce India, Mumbai 13-14 May - Adobe Summit - UK, London 9-12 November – Dreamforce, San Francisco 19-21 May - DA&D Awards, London 25-27 Nov - Stream South Africa TBC - May - Google Zietgeist, London TBC Dec - Business Insider Ignition, New York London 26-28 May - Code Conference, California Q4 - Stream USA, Ojai 132

          OUR PARTNERS GLOBAL LOCAL * To find out more about becoming a Stream partner, get in touch with Lizzy Dale, [email protected] 133

          WPP Stream Yearbook Flipbook - Page 136