" Thank you! The best conference experience I’ve had in a very. long time!". Gerhard Louw, Deutsche Telekom " I really can’t thank you enough for a fantastic few days at Stream. I felt an. immense pride to be a part of the business as I witnessed what a spectacle it. can produce. (As a result, Mark’s message on Stream standing for what WPP as. a holding co will aspire to represent really resonated). I couldn’t have wished for. a better start to my new role; from ideas those more experienced were willing. to share, a fantastic group eager to meet and discuss the possibilities, and loads. of inspiration/energy". Alastair Ferrans, Wavemaker "Inspiring". Katja Petry, Dumont Group "Extremely insightful and thought provoking". Andy Parnis, Finsbury "Mind expanding awesome event, you move the needle". Nicholas Rouse, SAP "Inspirational, collaborational, fun, professional and relevant". Lili Ermezei, Mirum 85

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