Kai D. Wright- Partner, Ogilvy- "Each year, for the past three years, in the sunny Like the immersive theatre experience of Sleep No valley of Ojai, 40-miles north of Los Angeles, global More, no two attendees have the same experience, marketing leader WPP invites 300 thought-leaders, which encourages constant sharing between guests activists, and cultural taste-makers to a gathering of their highlights. The formula for a memorable where everyone is an influencer. It’s not about one’s and impact-driven experience: three equal parts title – everyone is VIP from the agency CEOs to the of entertainment, participation, and education. We brand CMOs to the VCs to the professors in the room. had deep, casual conversations about a spectrum Except the room isn’t a room, it’s an extravagantly of naturally flowing topics from race relations in organized series of outdoor discussions, activities, America to business lessons from race car driving. and lightning talks in tents with the backdrop We watched inspiring lightning talks from how of the sun, moon, and stars. The "stream" Microsoft makes humans better off to the physics of becomes a metaphor for the melding of ideas into fly-fishing. And we participated in over 50 audience- impact, knowledge into action, and activities into led discussions on the fanaticism of Fortnite to fake relationships. No attendee is more important than followers to fake news. the other, and each a necessary puzzle piece in What’s overheard at Stream creates ripples of delivering a glimpse into the future. inspiration and collaboration among attendees, manifest through future creative work, new products, and the creation of new business models and services." 8

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