"What a fantastic weekend - thank you so much for the invite. and opportunity to attend. Felt very welcome and made the most of such. a well-engineered guest list/schedule – left with loads of ideas, potential. partnerships and connections". Jonny Kanagasooriam, BBC "Awesome, inspiring, fun and thought provoking". Alain Groenendale, Grey "Best ever conference I ever had! Excellent networking". Monika Szkva, Nestle " 1. THANK YOU …. I had high hopes for Stream but these were surpassed. by the last 2 days …. A truly terrific event, fantastic concept, and I leave. having been provoked, disrupted and immersed. 2. WELL DONE … the event felt. flexible but well structured, everything about it was adult to adult (different to. most conferences), and oh how slick you guys are in the delivery. Kudos.. Real kudos. I had a chance to speak to Mark Read and told him the same.. We also have a follow up which is good. 3. RETURN … I don’t know how it. works but I want to come back next year". Paul Szumilewicz, HSBC "Authentic, enlightening, inspiring and fun!". Tim Corden, Here Technologies 90

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